domingo, 14 de enero de 2018

¿Un acto de fidelidad al "magisterio" de Francisco? (Vídeo)

Duración 2:42 minutos

No Interest: Catholic Culture reported the story of the seminarian Nick Sentovich, who is a 3rd-year student at the North American College in Rome. The American third-year seminarians are traditionally given the opportunity to serve during the papal Mass on Christmas Eve. Usually, a lottery decides who will serve, but this year there weren’t enough students who expressed interest, Sentovich said, so everyone who applied was accepted.

Act of Fidelity? The blog Anonimi della Croce writes that Pope Francis is studying to introduce an act of fidelity to himself and to his magisterium. According to the blog this act will be required of all clerics, deacons, priests, bishops and cardinals. They will all have to pronounce it publicly. Those who refuse, will be suspended. Anonimi della Croce asks the question: “How can one promise fidelity to a heretical magisterium?”

Fake News Against Cardinal Pell: There is a pronounced media bias against Cardinal Pell after one of his accusers died whom it took 40 years to report alleged offences and who has a record of violence and drunk driving, writes Catholic League’s Bill Donohue. Quote, “The media in Australia, Europe, and North America have led the public to believe that Pell is a guilty man.” Donohue mentions fake news outlets like Guardian, Herald Sun, Daily Mail, BBC and many others who accused Pell of paedophilia without making reference to the date of the alleged offense, the date it was reported, or the nature of the alleged offense.

Abbey Church Becomes Ice Rink: The nave of the church of the former Abbey of Notre-Dame de Bernay, built in 1010, has been turned into a fully synthetic ice rink. Sponsor of the project was the local trade union. According to local media this “original idea” was generally “well received”. In the past, the church was used as a basketball field.