lunes, 16 de marzo de 2020

¿Es el coronavirus un castigo divino? Obviamente, lo es

End of Globalism

After the failed Amazon Synod, Francis put his hope in a Global Compact conference in the Vatican. But the conference was delayed due to the coronavirus. For Roberto de Mattei, the virus symbolizes the end of globalism and a world without borders.

God’s Three Scourges

De Mattei recalls the terrible pestilences, famines and wars of the 14th century, that killed a third of the European population. People were aware that these were divine punishments. Saint Bernardin of Siena said: “These are the scourges with which God chastises the people’s infidelity and apostasy: war, pestilence and hunger.” Saint Thomas Aquinas said, “When people sin, God’s vengeance will come upon the whole people.”

Collective Punishment

The Catechism of Saint Pius X knows that God rewards the good and punishes the wicked, because he is Infinite Justice. The Church has always known that God punishes not only individuals but also social groups, families, nations and the whole of humanity. Therefore, earthquakes, famines, epidemics, wars, revolutions are divine chastisements for the sins of men, De Mattei explains.

Loss of Faith Produces Hatred Against God

The loss of faith among the bishops and priests is the great sin of our times, De Mattei stresses. Loss of faith produces blindness, a hardend heart, and indifference toward sin. As a consequence, hatred against God rises in the Church’s ministers. De Mattei explains that they are “too cowardly” in order to challenge God openly. Instead, they show their hatred against those who acknowledge the divine punishment of the sinner.

We Deserve God’s Punishment

De Mattei recounts the example of Saint Bishop Lupus of Troyes, France. When Attila, the king of the Hunns arrived in Troyes, Saint Lupus dressed in his pontifical vestments and confronted Attila at the helm of a procession asking him: “Who are you, who threatens this city?” Attila answered: “Don’t you know who I am? I am, called the scourge of God.” Lupus replied: “Well, then, welcome scourge of God because we deserve God’s punishment for our sins, but if is possible, hit me and spare the rest.” Attila left both unharmed, Troyes and Lupus.

Symbolic Results

The fact that Saint Peter’s in Rome is closed and will be closed for Holy Week, shows for De Mattei, that God has taken away the most important of all churches from the Supreme Pastor, while the Catholic people is straying in the darkness, devoid of that light of truth which should illuminate the world from St. Peter's. Quote, “How can we fail to see that the results of the coronavirus are a symbolic consequence of the Church's self-demolition?"