lunes, 15 de julio de 2019

Another Shot Fired at Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiaga and at Francis

Duración 2:58 minutos

Martha Alegría Reichmann, the widow of a late Honduras Holy See Ambassador for 22 years, fired another shot at Tegucigalpa Cardinal Óscar Rodríguez Maradiaga, and at Pope Francis. On July 10 she published a long article on The title: Is Cardinal Rodríguez Maradiaga honest? Alegría has known him for 40 years. They were close friends until Alegría was defrauded by an investor recommended to her by the cardinal. In February, she wrote the book Traiciones sagradas about her case. Rodríguez is the leader of Francis’ Council of Cardinals. Alegría calls him a cardinal hated by his own people.

Alegría took offence at Pope Francis who called Rodríguez “honest” during his Televista interview. She accuses Francis of always having defended prelates involved in scandals “with lies.” And - quote, “Francis defends and protects those who are destroying the Church from inside.”

Alegría stresses that Rodríguez protected his now retired auxiliary bishop Juan José Pineda for nearly two decades. She calls Pineda a sexual predator and asks, “Can a cardinal who suspended so many priests because they did not accept the conduct of his auxiliary bishop be honest?” And: “Does the Pope consider Rodriguez Maradiaga to be honest, who allowed Pineda to waste over one million dollars on homosexual lovers without doing anything to stop this?” She goes on mentioning the millions which Rodríguez appropriated from the Catholic University of Honduras over years without giving account for the money.

Alegría stresses that around fifty people confirm the veracity of her complaints. She also asks Francis why he doesn’t make public the voluminous report presented to him by his official envoy to Honduras, retired Argentinean Bishop Pedro Casaretto. She writes – quote, “The Pope needs to know that we are not all naive and ignorant.”