
viernes, 18 de mayo de 2018

Monseñor Livi: "Estaba celoso de aquellos sacerdotes a los que se les permitía celebrar la Misa antigua"

Duración 2:29 minutos

Every Rubric of the Old Rite Helps to Worship God

Monsignor Antonio Livi, a former professor and dean at the Roman Lateran University spoke to Gloria.tv very highly about the Traditional Latin Mass. Quote: “Every rubric was helping me to worship God and to unite with the sacred, this edified me and my faith”. Livi also confessed that "the New Rite ripped away all of that from him".

“I Was Jealous of the Priests Who Did Not Need to Say the New Rite”

Livi was already a priest with the Opus Dei when the New Rite was introduced. He admitted to Gloria.tv that he was jealous of those priests who were allowed to continue celebrating the Old Mass. In the parish where Livi served, he was forced to say the new mass. Quote: "I compensated the deficiencies regarding the sacred in the Novus Ordo by abstaining from long homilies and by encouraging the faithful to look for silence and adoration".

The New Rite Is Often a Show

One of the main problems in the Novus Ordo is for Monsignor Livi the fact that the priest has been turned into a principal performer. It has also become common that priests show off during Mass. Quote: “This is a horrible thing”.

Turning the Mass in a “Celebration of the Community”

According to Livi things started going wrong already before the Council
. Mass became a routine for many priests who began focussing on secondary things like the homily in which they talked about politics or tried to display their knowledge. Massons and Communists used Mass to make public appreances and to sit in the first row although they were enemies of God. During funerals relatives started making speeches from the pulpit. Livi summes up: "All this contributed to changing the Mass into what they want it to be now: a celebration of the community, not the Sacrifice of Christ"