
lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2018

Sobre la condena del Cardenal Pell por el National Catholic Reporter ... y otros asuntos de interés

Duración 3:28 minutos

Pro-Francis National Catholic Reporter Accuses Francis of "Clericalism"

The National Catholic Reporter, a rabidly pro-Francis outlet, has accused Pope Francis of – quotation marks – "clericalism". Clericalism is a general insult which Francis himself likes to use. But this time the columnist, Jamie Manson, is angry at Francis because he did not drop Cardinal Pell like a hot potatoe although he was convicted last week in Melbourne of child abuse, a verdict that is manifestly unjust. Manson even calls Pell "rot" and "evil". There have been unjust condemnations of Catholics clerics in Socialist and National Socialist regimes. When the dust has settled, Manson will have to apologise for having defended such a condemnation.

Bishop Asks For Fasting But Not the Way You Think

On December 9, Bishop Xavier Novell of Solsona, Spain, on the webpage of his diocese, called his faithful to fast. This fasting has no spiritual background but is in solidarity with – quote - "Catalan prisoners", four nationalists arrested because of their involvement in last year’s illegal independence referendum who presently observe a hunger strike. Bishop Novell called his faithful to join them suggesting a total fast, a fast on bread and water, or a considerable reduction of food or other things. He also calls for – quote - "transversal and open" Friday prayers which he calls "Spirituality and Solidarity with the Catalan Prisoners on Hunger Strike".

A Grotesque Practice That Must Be Opposed

The Tanzania Interfaith Standing Committee which comprises the Tanzania bishops, the Islamic Conference of Tanzania and the Christian Community of Tanzania has declared that gay -quotation-marks - “marriage” is against the grain of human history and human nature. Marking the 70th anniversary of the Universal Human Rights Declaration, the Committee stated that homosexuality is a grotesque practice which must be opposed.

Bishop Died in Street Accident

Bishop Thomas Thennatt of Gwalior, succumbed to the severe head injury he suffered in a street accident. Thennatt was returning to the Bishop’s House after an annual function in a school when the vehicle he was travelling in skidded off and overturned. He was brought to St. Joseph Hospital, Gwalior where he was pronounced dead. Thennatt was 65 years old. A former Pallotine Father, he was only consecrated a bishop in January 2017.


Enseña Santo Tomás:
“Nadie pierde la gracia santificante si no es por el pecado, que aparta al hombre del fin debido, prefiriendo sobre él un fin malo. En este sentido, su apetito, de hecho, no se adhiere principalmente al bien final verdadero, sino al aparente. Por eso, sin gracia santificante no puede haber paz verdadera, sino sólo aparente .(Suma teológica – Parte II-IIae -Cuestión 29).
Compárese al Doctor Angélico con las chorradas de Bergoglio y los bergoglistas que se llenan la boca clamando por la paz (aparente), sin hacer referencia alguna al papel de la gracia santificante.
Y compárese también la mirada del Santo con la de Bergoglio.¿Hace falta  señalar la diferencia?

Nota catapúltica
Y por si hiciera falta algo más de la falsa paz bergogliana, veamos uno de sus últimos inventos. 
Ahora instituyó en la Pontificia Universidad Lateranense un nuevo curso de estudios en Ciencias de la Paz para formar así personas dedicadas sin reservas al servicio de la causa del hombre”, señalando que “en la búsqueda de este objetivo, juega un papel central el mundo universitario, lugar simbólico de ese humanismo integral que continuamente necesita ser renovado y enriquecido, para que pueda producir una renovación cultural valiente como exige el momento presente”. 
Sepa comprender el lector, pero a mí “la causa del hombre”, y el “ humanismo integral” me producen, ipso facto, problemas estomacales.
Augusto Padilla

Padre Weinandy: “Algunos obispos están involucrados en actividades homosexuales”

Se ha puesto en evidencia que algunos miembros de la clerecía, “incluyendo obispos”, están involucrados en actividades homosexuales, dijo el 11 de diciembre al sitio web NcRegister.com el sacerdote capuchino Thomas Weinandy.

Weinandy explica que ellos “se aprovechan de seminaristas y jóvenes” y “forman redes de homosexuales”.

Él pide que se trate el tema de los clérigos homosexuales en la próxima cumbre vaticana sobre los abusos “si el encuentro ha de ser tomado con seriedad”.

Hay temores cada vez más extendidos de que la cumbre se ocultará detrás de la cortina de humo de la “pedofilia”, para encubrir las verdaderas razones del problema.