
Jerarcas timoratos frente a la debacle bergogliana ( por Christopher A. Ferrara)

(...) Durante el año pasado, el Cardenal Burke y algunos otros miembros de la jerarquía han pedido a Francis que "aclare" su intención respecto a AL. Esa aclaración ya se ha dado: Francisco tiene la intención, si fuera posible, de cambiar la enseñanza inmutable de la Iglesia con respecto a una norma moral irrevocable arraigada en la ley divina. Incluso si el intento es nulo y sin efecto ante el hombre y Dios -una ley inmoral no es ley en absoluto-, Francisco claramente quiere imponer su voluntad por mandato, atreverse a invocar el "Magisterio auténtico" para encubrir sus absurdas novedades. Ningún Papa antes que él se ha atrevido a hacer tal cosa.

Entonces ahora debemos preguntarnos: ¿Dónde están los cardenales y los obispos? Con una o dos excepciones nobles (sin embargo inconsistentes), su respuesta a la debacle bergogliana va desde el silencio hasta la complicidad activa, y en el mejor de los casos, retorcerse las manos a causas del estado cada vez más caótico de la Iglesia mientras le ruegan al Papa que "aclare" sus intenciones ya perfectamente claras. En este punto, continuar abogando por una "aclaración" sólo puede dar lugar a una impresión de falsedad, mientras que el silencio continuo sobre el origen papal de esta catástrofe en curso es una reprimenda permanente a todos los jerarcas que saben lo que todos sabemos: que en el epicentro del caos está el Papa más díscolo que la Iglesia ha tenido que soportar.

Continúa la inacción mientras los laicos y algunos buenos sacerdotes han de defender por sí mismos, lo mejor que pueden, la enseñanza constante de la Iglesia contra los abusos de un tirano sentado en la Silla de Pedro cosa que amenaza a los jerarcas con un legado de vergüenza y una terrible rendición de cuentas ante el Juez Justo. El hecho de que (estos jerarcas) no defiendan la Fe enfrentándose a la persona que saben muy bien que la ataca casi a diario, se presta cada vez más a una acusación de pusilanimidad frente a un peligro sin precedentes para la Iglesia y la causa del Evangelio la cual están divinamente encargados de liderar.

El tiempo de la "prudencia" ya pasó. La prudencia ahora da paso a una mera pusilanimidad. El momento de la acción jerárquica es ahora, antes de que el daño a la Iglesia se vuelva irreparable. Los miembros de una jerarquía aparentemente intimidada por la tiranía papal que la Iglesia nunca antes ha visto deben levantarse inmediatamente y dar una valiente respuesta al desafío planteado hace mucho tiempo por Monseñor Klaus Gamber, cuando la crisis eclesial ya monumental estaba todavía en lo que ahora puede ser visto como simplemente una etapa preliminar:

Dijo Gamber: "¿Dónde están los líderes (de la Iglesia) que pueden mostrarnos el camino correcto? ¿Dónde están los obispos lo suficientemente valientes para cortar el crecimiento canceroso de la teología modernista que se ha implantado y se está pudriendo dentro de la celebración de incluso los misterios más sagrados, antes de que el cáncer se propague y cause un daño aún mayor? Lo que necesitamos hoy es un nuevo Atanasio, un nuevo Basilio, obispos como aquellos que en el siglo IV lucharon valientemente contra el arrianismo cuando casi toda la cristiandad había sucumbido a la herejía."

¿No se levantará ninguno de los jerarcas para defender a la Iglesia como "un nuevo Atanasio, un nuevo Basilo"? Incluso los mejores de ellos continúan limitándose a lamentos generalizados en conferencias o entrevistas sobre el estado lamentable de la Iglesia o, como máximo, la "confusión" que Francis ha causado al no "aclarar" precisamente lo que acaba de aclarar. Evitan la absoluta, necesaria, exposición del error, directa y pública en su origen. Ese error amenaza con desbordar a la Iglesia mientras hacen poco más que inquietarse por una situación cuya causa evidente -un imprudente Papa enamorado de sus propias ideas y lleno de desprecio por la Tradición- parecen incapaz de identificar.

Los clérigos y laicos preocupados en todo el mundo católico están haciendo lo que pueden según sus puestos. Pero en medio de esa "batalla final" sobre el matrimonio y la familia de la cual Sor Lucía advirtió al fallecido Cardenal Caffarra a la luz del Tercer Secreto de Fátima, dentro del elemento humano de la Iglesia, sólo los cardenales y los obispos poseen el poder divinamente otorgado para repeler un asalto al matrimonio, a la familia y a la misma integridad de la Fe que ahora, por primera vez en la historia de la Iglesia, está siendo dirigida por un Romano Pontífice.

Este desarrollo innegablemente apocalíptico impone a los jerarcas, primero y principalmente en la Iglesia, el deber de actuar. El verdadero amor a la Iglesia, en realidad, la verdadera caridad hacia el mismo Francisco, requiere de ellos nada menos que lo que se requería de San Pablo cuando el primer Papa cayó en el error y puso en peligro la mismísima misión de la Iglesia: que Pedro sea resistido (Gal. 2:11). Que Nuestra Señora de Fátima interceda para obtener para ellos la gracia de la fortaleza de hacer lo que deben hacer y lo que sólo ellos pueden hacer. Nuestras esperanzas y oraciones están con ellos como los principales instrumentos de la divina providencia en la ecclesia Dei adflicta.

!Nuestra Señora de Fátima, intercede por nosotros!

Christopher A. Ferrara

Incoherencias del papa Francisco

Duración 3:05 minutos

Culpable Silence: Last week the Italian parliament approved a law introducing assisted suicide accompanied by the total silence of Pope Francis and almost all of the Italian bishops. One of the most virulent proponents of the unjust law was Emma Bonino, a former abortionist who has been for many decades a diabolical presence in Italian politics. Pope Francis produced an Italy wide scandal when in February 2016 he called her – quote – “one of the big ones in today’s Italy”. When the law was passed Bonino, sitting in the Italian Senate, was shedding tears of joy.

Golden Handshake: The Vatican wants to save face after the embarrassing November dismissal of Giulio Mattietti, the former deputy director of the Vatican Bank. Without notice, Mattietti was kicked out of the Vatican. No reason was given and Mattietti himself was utterly surprised by the move. Now, according to the Corriere della Sera the Vatican wants to clean up the mess by giving Mattietti who has worked for decades for the Vatican, a golden handshake and by offering him a pension although he is nowhere near pension age.

Theory and Practice: On December 13, Pope Francis’ council of Cardinals published a press briefing about its most recent meeting. It informed that the Vatican aims at reducing the personnel of the Vatican media. But in March 2017, when the Italian TV station Sky Italia decided to reduce the number of collaborators, Pope Francis said during a General Audience – quote, “Who takes away the work from man commits a very serious sin.”

Enemy of the Church: Last Friday Socialist Bolivia President Evo Morales visited Pope Francis in the Apostolic Palace. Morales greeted Francis with the words “Good day, Brother Pope Francis”. Francis called Morales by his first name, “Evo”. Morales is known for his anti-Church stances. He has fought the bishops of his country, has pushed for the secularization of schools, promoted paganism, introduced a secular state, seized Church property, and called to abolish Catholic national holidays.

Retreating Into Piety (Michael Voris)

Duración 7:25 minutos


If there was ever a time for militancy in the Church, this is that time. But please note, militancy comes in a variety of forms. There is, of course, the militancy of faith — prayer, fasting, sacrifices etc. But there is also the militancy of action, of works. Faith, after all, without works, is dead.

There is an attitude among many faithful Catholics that bishops and priests simply can never be questioned and certainly not challenged. Many of the more progressive or careerist bishops and priests play this up to their advantage. Which is kind of funny because while insisting on a degree of obedience from the laity — a degree of obedience the laity do not owe to bad prudential decisions — they themselves will be disobedient in matters of which they actually are supposed to be obedient.

For example, let's begin with proper instruction in the Faith — an area massively ignored for the past 50 years and still ignored or substituted for with protestantized, watered-down instruction. If you got to hear the radio interview with a local Scranton, Pennsylvania, radio show last week where I was a guest and talking about Fr. James Martin's scheduled address there, the host, a pleasant enough fellow, Frank Andrews, at one point said to me he was "uncomfortable" with challenging bishops. He had viewed an earlier Vortex where I said Bp. Joseph Bambera was flat out wrong for supporting homosexualist James Martin and had, as a consequence, made the label of homosexualist apply to himself as well. He is advancing, defending and promoting the homoheresy, as Polish priest Fr. Darius Oko calls it. So a cleric, any cleric, who supports the homoheresy is by definition a homosexualist. But notice the immediate reaction. The host was "uncomfortable" with criticizing a bishop or priest for that fact.

That whole approach is how the homosexual, priest-sex abuse crisis rose to the disastrous level it did with thousands of wounded souls — some of whom committed suicide — and $4 billion in damages and counting — right, Cdl. Timothy Dolan, who just shelled out another $40 million dollars. Remember that New York Catholics when Dolan comes around with his tin cup.

We laity do not owe obedience to a bishop or cleric's bad prudential decision that has the effect of destroying the Faith through scandal. Bishop's all over the country told naive laity back in the day not to mention anything about Fr. Chester the Molester. Then, they transferred him to parish after parish. They played the laity, capitalizing on their image of one commanding obedience in all things, which they do not.

Yet still, good Catholics have this wrong. They are still "uncomfortable" with saying things about a bishop or priest's decisions that are harmful to the Church. From allowing bad dissident priests to run parishes, to horrible heterodox faculty at seminaries, to backing homoheresy-promoting priests, to keeping their mouths shut very tightly about contraception etc, the list of abuses is mind-boggling. And of course, they paint the whole social justice garbage agenda — immigration, climate change, gun control, the death penalty - as though it's dogma, and they can never be challenged.

The task of helping advance the Faith and saving the Church has fallen directly to the laity as Venerable Abp. Fulton Sheen said 40 years ago. And since we are not just spiritual beings but also composed of matter, existing in the material world, our purely spiritual works must be joined to temporal works as well.

Consider for a moment what Our Blessed Lord desires from us. Think about the wedding at Cana when Our Blessed Mother launched Our Lord to His Sacred Passion by asking Him to reveal His Divinity by performing the miracle of producing wine where there formerly was none. Did Our Lord just wave His hands and voila, there was wine? No. He desired that human agency participates in His action. He bade the waiters to "fill the jars with water." Why? He could have just had the thought, and they would have been filled with water. In fact, He would have just skipped the whole water part and gone straight to the wine. Why the water? Because he wanted humanity to have a participation in His miraculous working, and it was quite the participation.

Back in the day, the amount of effort to fill those large jars with water would have been enormous — going back and forth to the well, drawing the water out, transporting it back to the location of the jars, filling them up. Only after humanity had supplied the material labor so to speak, did Our Blessed Lord step in and finish the job.

We cannot simply retreat into piety in these difficult and challenging days in the Church. We must fill the jars with water — do the backbreaking work that we are capable of doing — have some "skin in the game" so to speak and not just sit back and wait for a miracle and claim that we trust when the reality is that we are actually lazy or selfish. Say a few prayers, and I've done my part. Not good enough, if you or your state in life render you capable of doing more.

Make sure you are not tricking yourself by focusing so much on prayer that you never actually roll up your sleeves and do the work that faith demands.

Michael Voris